About SiC Roller, Pressureless Sintered Silicon Carbide Ceramic Roller, SSiC Roller

1. High temperature strength -It can be used reliably in the air even when the temperature exceeds 1600°C .(under inert gas and vacuum, the maximum temperature can reach 2000°C.)
2. Hardness-SSiC is a high-performance material second only to diamond and cubic boron nitride.
3. Wear resistance-ultra-high hardness and density make it ideal for parts often subject to high wear.
4. Thermal shock resistance-Due to the high thermal conductivity and low thermal expansion coefficient, it has excellent thermal shock resistance, and compared with other refractory materials, it performs better in rapid
thermal cycling.
5. Corrosion, oxidation and erosion resistance- high density, low porosity and chemical inertness make it work well in hot gas and liquid environments, oxidizing and corrosive gases, and strong acids and alkalis even at ultra-high temperatures.
6. High thermal conductivity- it has the equivalent thermal conductivity of graphite material, and 5 times of alumina.